What is a phishing text message?

Text messages are an easy way to scam someone. They can be sent as part of a phishing attack, where the sender tries to trick the recipient into thinking they are receiving a legitimate message from a friend or acquaintance. This could involve asking for personal information, transferring money, or installing malware on their device.

How to spot a phishing text message?

Phishing text messages are a common type of scam where someone sends you an email or message claiming to be from a trusted institution or person, but asks you to provide personal information such as your bank account login details. The first thing to do if you receive a phishing text message is to delete it immediately. If the message was sent from your phone number, you can also block the number from future messages. If you have any doubts about whether the message is genuine, don’t respond to it. Instead, contact the organisation or person listed in the message directly and ask for confirmation that they are actually contacting you.

What to do if you receive a phishing text message?

If you receive a text message that looks like it’s from a trusted source, but is actually a phishing scam, do not respond. Forward the message to security@yourcompany.com and tell them what happened. The text message may have been sent by someone trying to steal your personal information or money.