In today’s debate, we have chosen to examine Dropbox’s security versus that of Mega. We chose the first, because it is world famous, while we concentrated on the latter, because experts say it shines in the security department.

Mega vs Dropbox–Veteran meets Newbie

Mega is one of the newest children in the building, and we suggest that you read at least a summary of Mega Cloud Storage to see its key strengths, plans and prices and other technical details. The cloud platform is also provided with a payment package, the related software and other synchronization and data access options, features that tend to attract business owners ‘ attention. It is then rational to equate a veteran with a new security entry. Each one of them has its own set of features, as you will definitely know from the following article. Obviously, the final decision will depend on your cybersecurity needs and price choices.

Dropbox’s cybersecurity–where are we now?

Dropbox came to the cloud service department as a surprise, but few aspects have changed over the years. The security system used by the cloud service relies on SSL-based communication encryption and encrypts the data in AES-256 servers. The main reason for concern when it comes to Dropbox is still that all users ‘ accounts keep private encryption keys. Furthermore, even if the system offers password encryption, the company can access and decrypt user passwords. Dropbox complies with the SAFE Port Act and stresses that Dropbox workers only have access under rare circumstances to users ‘ passwords and accounts. Furthermore, for companies using sensitive data subject to stringent regulations (PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, etc.), it does not deter Dropbox’s assumption that they have access to their data and data (which they can decrypt and transmit) for cyber security purposes. You need to know the following questions:

Dropbox receives your password (although sent via the TLS) without, for example, a password through a Hash function; in other words, your written passwords are clearly displayed by servers; the danger is that some may intercept the information exchange. Dropbox uses advanced de-duplication technology, but cross-user de-duplication can constitute an infringement of a security account that allows third-party access; recently, Dropbox modified its protocole and only de-duplicated one-user files, which improves overall security. The sharing of files in Dropbox is based on links. Individuals and companies using Dropbox’s free accounts can not secure this link by a password or anything else.

Dropbox does not provide any integration or compatibility with personal password management systems relative to other new and modern clouds. Listening to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there were record numbers of security violations in the world last year. Dropbox is not an odd player, as the two critical incidents of Dropbox in recent years have seemed to be the product of hackers and DDoS attacks. While you can learn how to avoid a DDoS attack on your business system, it doesn’t mean you’re all equally safe in the cloud. Dropbox comes with great features and the company really works hard to improve security. They have supported dual-factor authentication, the option to add a personal mobile security passcode, and more. However, when dealing with extremely valuable data (business, employees, users, customers, etc.), consider your option.

Mega’s cybersecurity–where will we be in the future?

If you have reviewed Mega reviews and analyzes, you know that the cloud promises its individual or company users many benefits. The web cloud service (like Google Drive) offers compatible versions for mobile phone users, desktop sync, and an API to allow unofficial clients to be created. Mega uses the TLS 1.2 and CBC encryption AES-256 for its Internet connections, but the topic in the cybersecurity department where the Mega shines is privacy by design–Mega includes in its design privacy and safety.

Mega encrypts passwords and files throughout rest and transit; It also provides users the possibility to set up their encryption keys which they control; In other words, Mega employees have no access at all to the passwords or accounts of users compared to Dropbox. Such keys extracted from the user’s password are used in the registration process and are produced through JavaScript code. Specialists received confirmation that Mega uses cross-user file deduplication from server-side once the files are encrypted; files are encoded through random use of generated128-AES on the client’s side; You have three options to securely share the files: a link with a key, a connection without a key, and direct contact sharing; If you share a link with the key, make sure the information does not fall in the wrong hands.

One of the main concerns about Mega’s security protocols is the use of JavaScript since cryptographic functionality is controversial. Mega does not provide compatibility or integration with personal password management systems as opposed to Dropbox.

What are we choosing?

Mega’s registration, link and sharing protocols are more efficient, while Dropbox has more specific file deletion policies. Dropbox is the worldwide platform for people, large and small businesses, etc. Mega seems to be the cloud of choice for companies that store sensitive data and files and must comply with the data protection rules of the customer. When taking the chance to purchase one or another, do your research, read reviews and statistics and study the cybersecurity of the cloud services.