Research Foolproof Marketing Tactics

The first thing you should do before attempting to advertise your website and increase traffic is research. Research different methods and find the ones that best suit you and your business’s needs. You can visit the blog of this digital marketing agency to see their tips and tricks for advertising. Online sources are nowadays incredibly helpful, especially if they come from official company websites, or even from scholarly sources. So, before implementing any strategy at all, do your research and see what other companies have proven to be effective.

Know Your Target Audience

A very important part of an advertising campaign is to know your audience. You can do this by using Google Analytics, Facebook polls and countless other tools. Once you have an idea about the demographics, it will be easier to find a marketing strategy that best suits them to improve traffic. Another crucial thing in terms of knowing your audience is to understand their needs and behavior. Think about what they like and don’t like, how do they find information, where do they spend their time online, etc. This will allow you to create a more personalized ad that will be more effective in terms of gaining visits to your website. For example, when creating a Google Ads campaign, your target audience needs to have precise keywords in their searches, such as “online university degree programs”. You can establish keywords by focusing on your audience’s needs and using the Google Keyword Planner. This will also help you to know how much they are willing to spend for this specific service and what is the competition around.

Google Ads are an interesting way to promote your website. They offer tailored ads for the search engine, the display network and YouTube. Google Ads will allow you to specify campaigns according to specific keywords, allowing you to focus on people that already have an interest in what you offer. This makes them incredibly efficient when it comes to promoting websites with high conversion rates. Google Ads require a bit of work to be successful, but if you know your audience and keywords, you will surely see good results!

Google Adwords

AdWords is a very popular platform to increase traffic with ads on the Google search engine. You will have the ability to choose specific keywords and customers that showed an interest in your website previously. This allows you to be more precise in terms of budget allocation and how much you want to spend for each click. The most important thing about advertising with Google AdWords is the competition. This means you need to set up your ads so they will stand out, differentiating yourself from other ads on search engines. One way to do this is by adding a call-to-action button directing users to your website. You can also use site links, which are additional links to relevant pages on your website.

Google AdWords Campaign Example

The first step is to sign up for a Google AdWords account, which you can do by going to the Adwords page and clicking on ‘Start now’. Once there, you need to choose the language and edit settings for your ads. To create an ad, click on ‘+ New ad’, select the ad group (in this case, it is ‘promotion’) and then click on ‘+ New ad’. The next step will be to choose the campaign name (the name of your business) and how much you are willing to spend for each click. You can also specify which keywords you want your ad to appear for. Once these fields are filled out, you need to create the actual ad itself. This includes specifying a URL to direct users to, adding copy for your ad and more. You can also customise your ads with images or logos that best represent your company!

Social Media Campaigns

Another great way to promote your website is to use social media. You can do this manually, but it would be more effective if you set up a campaign that auto-posts from your blog or other sources. The objective of social media campaigns is to spread the word about your business and what you offer, arousing interest among potential customers. This strategy has proven to be an effective way to increase traffic! Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter also have their advertising platforms. You can run targeted ads with discounts or coupons so potential customers will find you easier. This is a great way to get more attention from your target audience. These campaigns need to be simple and clear to attract the attention of users, who are usually faced with hundreds of ads every day.

Social Media Campaign Example

To create a Facebook Ad for your company, you will need to use the Business Manager app or go directly to your ads account. Once there, click on ‘+ New Campaign’ and choose the objective of your campaign (clicks to website, conversions, video views and others). The next step is to define your audience (customers that expressed interest in a previous campaign, friends of customers, etc.), the ad set (target audience) and the budget you want to spend for this ad. You can also add your website URL in the ‘Destination’ field. You must add a site link so Facebook knows where they will take users once they click on your ad. So there you have it! There are plenty of proven methods to drive traffic to your website and increase the number of visits! Before doing anything and conducting any advertising for your website, research what is best for your business’s needs and take advantage of these digital marketing campaigns. In time, your website will surely become more popular as the number of visits will increase!